Copy with CCIR equalization with reference level 320 nWb/m on half track 1/4〞LPR35 tape from (Recording The Masters)
Reel Spool special made silver or golden aluminum reel with a cut out STS logo
High-class cardboard box features production cover picture labeled to the box
\\ T6111127 Music In The Original Marantz Age
\\ T6111128 Ingram Washington - Sweet 'N' Low
\\ T6111129 Old Betsy - The Sound Of Big Ben Webster
\\ T6111131 Jazz Masters Volume 3
\\ T6111156 On My Way To The 30th Analog Forum Anniversary
\\ T6111157 Jazz Master Volume 2
\\ T6111161 Jazz Master Volume 1
\\ T6111166 Jazz Master Volume 4
\\ T6111167 Pure Analog Recording Session
地址: 九龍新蒲崗大有街29號宏基中心1104室 (鑽石山港鐵車站A2出口步行大約6分鐘,大有街與八達街交界)
查詢: 26044802
